Coconut Poke Cake

1 package yellow cake mix
Most box mixes require:
1 can cream of coconut (14 oz.)
1 can sweetened condensed cream (14 oz.)
1 tub of cool whip
flaked coconut (about 1 1/2 cups)
Preheat oven per box directions.
Grease and flour your bundt pan.
Prepare cake mix according to box directions. Pour batter into bundt pan and bake according to box directions.
Remove cake from oven and allow to cool for 30 mins.
While the cake is cooling combine coconut cream and sweetened condensed milk in a mixing bowl. Set aside.
Carefully remove cake from pan and then place it back in exactly how it came out.
Using a skewer or straw, poke holes all over the bottom of the cake.
Pour the cream mixture over the bottom of the cake. Concentrating on the holes you made as well as the sides. Let cake cool completely then frost with the whipped topping and top with the flaked coconut.